No1PC: Common Terminology and Issues

Common Terminology and Issues

Terminology Fixes

Part of being able to engage in a proper and effective conversation about problems and solutions is to have confidence that we're talking about the right and same things. I won't recite all of Google's finding here, just some of the more outstanding items as I come across them.

TRAP-dipole, NOT "trapped dipole":

The word trap in this case, and using a common 40/80 trap-dipole as an example, refers to stopping ('trapping') RF energy on/about 40 meters from 'seeing' the longer extent of wire for 80 meters. The 'trap' or coil presents a very high-impedance to RF at 40 meters, and a low-impedance to energy at 80 meters so the two strands of wire appear as one long wire, for resonance at 80 meters. The 40M energy is not really trapped or captured, it just cannot get down the rest of the wire because the circuit is effective open at that frequency.

Standing-Wave-Ratio (SWR), singular, NOT 'SWRs':

*A* Standing Wave Ratio is the result of measurement or calculation of the amount of transmitted forward RF power versus reflected or returning RF power. I suppose if you have a list of various SWR measurements you would have a list of 'SWRs', but you'd still sound like a low-tech CB-er.

Phrases and Functions

Why 50 Ohms? 52 Ohms? (We won't knit-pick 2 ohms)

I can't even begin to explain this, well, I could, but it's already been done, so...

A History of 50 Ohms

50 Ohms - The Forgotten Impedance

Antenna Basics from Larsen

A Casual Discussion of Antenna Gain Myths

Symptoms and Problems

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